Ben Franklin famously said that there are only two things certain in life: death and taxes. Taxes are payable in different ways and if there’s a way that pinches the most, it has to be through personal income. No one enjoys it when money is deducted from their paycheck at the...
State Tax Help
Tax Debts to the State of California
The state of California has three tax agencies that collect taxes: The Franchise Tax Board, the Employment Development Department, and Board of Equalization. The Franchise Tax Board collects income taxes; the Employment Development Department collects payroll taxes, and the...
The Ominous Nevada Margin Tax
On the Nevada ballot is an initiative proposed by the teacher’s union to raise funds for Nevada schools. Nevada has some of the worst schools in the country, so the initiative sounds good on the surface – who doesn’t want to help school kids? However, if this tax is passed it...
Breaking California Residency
Everyone is leaving California; few are migrating here. U-Haul charges four times as much for outbound trucks and trailers as in-bound. The state has been run into the ground by a tax and regulatory climate that is the worst in America. Breaking California residency is tough....
Tax Debts and Community Property States
California and Nevada are community property states. It is often the case in a marriage where one spouse has tax debts, but the other does not that the husband and wife decide to file separate returns. The strategy behind this is to protect the innocent spouse from the spouse...
Unpaid Taxes Equals Suspended License
Taxpayers in New York State may be stuck in more ways than one following an announcement by the governor of New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo. What is the announcement? All taxpayers who owe more than $10,000 in backed taxes to the State of New York will have their drivers licenses...
States Without Income Tax
Every year, people who live in the great state of New York fork over an average of around $2,000 dollars per person in income tax to their local state government. This is because residents of the state of New York live in the state with the highest income tax rate in the...
States With the Highest Income Tax
Every year, the IRS takes money out of everyone’s paychecks and gives it to the government. This is called an income tax. The IRS also collects taxes on business’ earnings and profits. Many people struggle with the idea of the government taking a large chunk of their money out...
Can a State File a Levy or Lien in Another State?
The states are broke and running historically unprecedented budget deficits. They are looking under every rock to collect. There is no one they care less about harming than someone who has vacated their state. Under the Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act, a state tax...
EDD Ripping Off State Employers
State governments in California and Nevada are borrowing heavily from the federal government to keep paying unemployment benefits. In order to pay these loans, both states are raising payroll taxes to pay off the loans. Nearly $41 billion dollars by the states have been...