If уоu оwе mоnеу tо thе IRS thаt уоu саn't рау, уоu'rе рrоbаblу рrеttу nеrvоuѕ wіth thе tаx dеаdlіnе аррrоасhіng. Whіlе уоu mау bе tеmрtеd tо ѕkір fіlіng уоur tаxеѕ аnd hоре thе IRS dоеѕn't nоtісе уоu оwе money, thаt'ѕ a rеаllу bаd іdеа. Not оnlу wіll thе IRS lіkеlу fіnе уоu,...
IRS News
Tax Reform and Your Business
The first few months of the year are typically a great time to gather financial documents and receipts to prepare for the impending tax season and the year ahead. This year, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) that passed in late December, has business owners caught off guard. It...
Increased IRS Installment Fees
The IRS has dramatically increased the fees on installment agreements. Effective January 1st, 2017, the fees for regular installment agreements have gone from $107 tp $225 and the fees for Direct Debit installment agreements has gone from $52 to $107. The fees for direct debit...
Owe back taxes to the IRS? Say GOODBYE to your Passport!
Passed in Congress and signed into law on December 4, 2015 was the Fixing America’s Surface Transportion Act. The language in this law prevents you from traveling outside of the USA if you owe money to the Internal Revenue Service in excess of 50 thousand dollars. The law is a...
The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998
In 1997, Congress held extensive hearings about IRS abuse. During those hearings, there was testimony about taxpayers literally committing suicide because of the harassment they say they were receiving from IRS collection agents. In response to public outrage, Congress enacted...
FBAR & Other Offshore Issues
Under the Bank Secrecy Act, U.S. residents - or a person in and doing business within the United States - must file a report with the U.S. Treasury if they have a financial account in a foreign county with an aggregate value exceeding $10,000 at any time during a calendar...
FBAR in a FATCA World
FBAR is an acronym standing for Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Reports. This report is due annually June 30th on all Taxpayers with offshore assets; it is a Report that Taxpayers must file in addition to disclosure on schedule B of their 1040s. There are extremely harsh...
Everything You Need to Know about the IRS
The IRS is a familiar name in every American household because they are the people who we pay our taxes to, and those who will track us down if we don’t do it on time. But, that is just about as far as our knowledge goes. Just in case you need to know a little bit more about...
Get Smart: Planning Your Taxes Throughout the Year
Just because this year’s tax season is over, it doesn't mean that you’re off the hook forever. 2014 taxes will be due next year, and it’s important to stay on top of your money so you can keep track of how much you owe or how much you’re due. Here are a few tips to stay...
Improving your Credit Score: What Does it Take?
If you have a history of bad credit habits, fixing your credit can be tough, but it is possible. Here are some ways that you can improve your credit and get back to not worrying about your standing with the credit company. Pay On Time Paying credit card bills on time is easier...